Friday, April 17, 2020

Social Studies Csec Study Guide free essay sample

Traditionally, marriage has been seen as the ideal environment in which sexual relations can occur. Visiting relationships 1 Who did Jean Roberts marry? 2 Name two of Bryan and Michelle Roberts’ grandchildren. 3 What is David Ramsey’s relationship to Sarah Booth? 4 Who are Sarah Booth’s cousins? LE Monogamy and polygamy Monogamy is a form of marriage in which a person has only one wife or husband at one time. In polygamy, a person may have more than one wife or husband at the same time. Polygyny is where a man has more than one wife, and polyandry is where a woman has more than one husband. If a thing is marginalised, it has moved from a more central position out to the edges. When we talk of the marginalisation of males, we are referring to situations where males are much less dominant or central than they once were. Women today are frequently joint breadwinners and so the family is less dependent on the male for meeting its needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Studies Csec Study Guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Females have been taking up and succeeding in education at ever-increasing rates and are found in many types of work that were once the place for males only. For many men, there is a sense that their place in family and society has become much less certain or secure. Prepare a presentation for youth group leaders in your local community that outlines a strategy for helping male youths to adopt a positive male identity. Your presentation should brie? y describe the changing roles in Caribbean families and the effects of these. Role con? ict EXAM TIP Be aware of the notion that women have generally bene? ted fro m the changes in traditio nal roles while some men struggle to make the necessary adjustments. LE Role con? ict is usually applied to the situation where the ability to perform one role is hindered by the need to perform another role at the same time.

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